Sheva Mitzvot

Sheva Mitzvot are the 7 basic principles of Derekh Eretz (Noahism or Universal Judaism) or the Rainbow Covenant. These 7 principles are:

  1. DEEN
  2. No Blasphemy
  3. No Theft
  4. No Pniktos
  5. No Porneia
  6. No Idolatry
  7. No Bloodshed

It is the same Derekh Eretz which was outlined in the Book of Acts especially Chapter 15 and which was referred to by Augustine of Hippo. The Sheva Mitzvot are also referred to as the Shariah of Noah in the Islamic Quran 42:13. Each of the principles is linked to a different colour in the Rainbow. For example, though popularly omitted from rainbow flags these days, pink reminds us not to be lewd. Anyone at all is considered worthy of a place in the world to come if they are able to keep these seven basic laws as a minimum throughout their lives. Such people are called Meshulamim or Hokhmei Umot haOlam in Judaism.

Deen is a Hebrew concept which covers religion, justice, keeping the peace, law and order. But Derekh Eretz only becomes Noahide Judaism when the first principle consists of a sincere heartfelt belief in the Religion revealed at Mount Sinai following the Exodus.

Blasphemy is using the name of God for vain, usually political, purposes or magical thinking. The worst blasphemers throughout history have always been politicians and so it is essential to maintain a separation of Church and State in order to prevent Blasphemer misleading society.

Theft is most commonly carried out by corporations these days. 

Pniktos or Treaifa refers to cruelty to animals.

Porneia or Lewdness refers to sexual immorality.

Idolatry refers to materialism, idolization of ones material achievements or gain.

Bloodshed refers to murder.

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